To the Mom of the Difficult Child
I say mom, this is really for both parents, but I am also
writing this to myself. A pep talk to keep up the hard work of raising the
You know if you have one: strong-willed, high-needs,
hyperactive. You don’t have to think twice whether or not your child falls in
to one of the more demanding personality categories.
They keep you on your toes, rarely letting you relax when
you’re on an outing.
It’s all about the mental state. Thinking ahead for when the
inevitable meltdown happens, hoping your redirections and distractions have an
affect yet knowing that sometimes it can be a longshot.
Because your little one is focused, decisive, determined,
unrelenting energy. The qualities wanted in a CEO, not in a toddler.
On a good day you’ll think about how museums and other
children-frequented venues should have a tantrum corner, a well-padded and soft
place so little ones like yours can have a safe place to flail around and get
their frustrations out.
On bad days you’ll be keenly aware of the aghast looks of
other parents, shocked that you let such a horrendous monster loose upon the
You’ll think that it must be nice for parents of docile and
gentle children, ones that don’t go barreling down the path the moment they’re
freed from the stroller, that don’t have to be called to repeatedly, that aren’t
so excited that they upset kids around them with their energetic manners and
attempts at play.
You’ll hear other parents talk about their lack sleep,
wondering if they too have had, at most, a month’s worth of uninterrupted sleep
since your nearly two-and-a-half-year-old was born. Wonder if theirs hardly
take naps, and also mentally prepare themselves to the fact that their little
one just won’t be taking a nap that day or the next.
You’ll appreciate the other moms when you’re out who smile
and say “he’s so excited” or “mine too” when yours goes off the deep end. Sadly,
they don’t stick out in your mind as much as the other moms, the ones who don’t
appreciate your little one’s enthusiasm, who’s looks say they cannot believe you
allow your child in public like that, who tell you that “he needs to go” when
he was trying to play in the play space at Chick-Fil-A—that was only once and
it still gives me pause before letting him go in there.
You’ll want to stop going out. Avoid the stares, comments,
suggestions on your parenting.
You keep working on your plan of attack for when he loses it
or wants to play to energetically with other kids for when you brave taking him
You start to feel isolated because you don’t see any other
mom’s in your group with kids like yours.
So here’s my pep talk to you momma.
Keep it up. Lord knows you need to, no one will understand
and love that uncontrollable child like you.
So trust your instincts. Refrain from worrying about how
different your parenting style is from those around you. You’ll learn to pick
your battles and notice that you allow more freedom than most because you know
the fight’s not worth the energy and you’ll learn which social events to avoid
because of the impact on your nerves.
But you’ll also be a brick wall, steadfast in the limits you’ve
placed for your child no matter the loud, attention-grabbing, flailing protests
they devise.
You’ll hold your angry wiggling child and walk through the
crowd with a calm face, and all the other parents will think you are a Zen
master—unfazed by anything.
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